Preparatory Unit Study Tools (6-8th)

(1 customer review)



Take your middle school students from Sixth through Eighth Grades with our Preparatory Unit Study Tools.

Tired of trying to put together your own curriculum, year after year? 

Instead of trying to create a unit study structure from scratch, start with one already built for you. Start with our Preparatory Unit Study Tools for 6th through 8th graders. With nine history and topical units, your children will start at the beginning with Creation, and go right through Modern times.

Not only do we provide the structure. With our Unit Study Tools, you’ll learn how to naturally integrate history, science. language arts, and fine arts within our units.

In addition to that, our Charlotte Mason-inspired curriculum will teach you how to use the best children’s books to teach, (instead of the dry textbooks you might be using now). Along with curated booklists arranged by history unit and topic, our Preparatory Unit Study Tools provide assignment choices and project/activity ideas in these areas:

  • arts and crafts
  • map work
  • mini-books and lapbooks
  • writing and ideas for further research

And even better? All our Unit Study Tools sets cover the same units and topics at the same time, so you can teach your children together.

The Preparatory Unit Study Tools helps your Middle School student:

  • discover the flow of history with our  annual Creation-to-Modern format
  • learn about the significant events and people of each time period with our informative Teacher’s Overviews
  • be engaged and focused by moving to fresh material quickly
  • read language-rich, concept-oriented, fiction and nonfiction in-depth, often exciting, chapter books
  • utilize a variety of books available in auditory or more visual formats
  • read science books focusing on specific concepts and study the scientific method through suggested experiments and activities
  • gain a deeper understanding of geography

I understand how I could teach history and science with books, but what about Language Arts?

Our Teacher’s Manual for Fifth through Twelfth Grades (digital format) included in the Preparatory Unit Program Tools will teach you how to teach and evaluate language arts. It’s easy!  And because we integrate subjects, you’ll learn to teach language arts using the same books you are using for history and science.

Additionally, this upper grades Teacher’s Manual includes an English Skills checklist specifically for middle schoolers (and one for high schoolers, as well). We’ll show you how to teach oral and written narrations and use them for evaluation. 

You’ll also learn how to use students’ compositions to teach grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

Along with this, we’ll give you ideas on how to teach vocabulary from your student’s reading. (Remember the SAT and ACT will be coming before you know it!) Speaking of high school,  the Teacher’s Manual also contains a crucial section on teaching and evaluating middle school and high school writing, something our parents tell us they love!

What’s Included with the Preparatory Unit Study Tools?

  • Our digital Preparatory Unit Study Tools include nine historical units and one Resources unit covering from Ancients through Modern.
  • Each unit has a 3-10 page Teacher’s Overview of the most notable people and events of that time period.
  • Our Preparatory Unit Study Tools also includes a 100+ page Teacher’s Manual, customizable forms, graphic organizers and other resources, and nine printable, cut-apart history bookmarks corresponding to our nine historical units.
  • Additionally, you’ll have suggested map activities, topic ideas for mini- and lapbooks, writing assignments, and ideas for further research.

Note: This is a digital product. We’ll send you the download link as soon as we your payment is processed.

How do I use the Preparatory Unit Study Tools?

First, simply read our Teacher’s Manual to learn how to plan and teach history, language arts, science, and fine arts.  Choose to plan your study in advance, or just get started and journal what you read and do after you’ve done it.  It’s your choice! We encourage you to use our Unit Program Tools the way that best serves your family.  You can:

  1. Read the Teacher’s overview in each history unit, giving you a summary of significant events and people
  2. Decide on what aspects you want to cover this year for this time period. Possible areas of focus could include:
    • Daily Life
    • Wars or conflicts
    • Significant people
    • Geography
    • How the literature of a time period reflects its culture
  3. Choose from our book suggestions labeled by unit and topic and gather your books from the library or online
  4. Pick out the assignments and projects from our suggestions or create your own
  5. Choose a few English skills you want to work on for each week from our checklists
  6. Choose the copy work illustrating those skills from your history and science books (we teach you how)
  7. Have your students narrate over their reading (orally or in writing)
  8. Journal what you and your students read and do.

And that’s all there is to it!

Additional information


Unit Program Notebook, Complete Unit Program

1 review for Preparatory Unit Study Tools (6-8th)

  1. Kari

    Train up a Child Preparatory Unit Program is a wonderful curriculum that teaches History chronologically and integrates subjects seamlessly. I had searched high and low for a curriculum that was easy to use and brought together all that my children had learned in previous years and then built on that knowledge. It challenges them to dig deeper into History and encourages a lifelong love of learning. I loved this curriculum and am now recommending it to my daughter to use when homeschooling her children!

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