Curriculum Options
Our integrated, Charlotte Mason-inspired curriculum options help you teach your kids history, science, language arts, and fine arts. And all from a Christian worldview.
These are our curriculum options:
- Unstructured Unit Study Tools for the homeschool mom that likes to roll up her sleeves and piece together her own curriculum, but doesn’t want to do it from scratch. Our framework, book and assignment lists make it easy.
- Open-and-go Daily Lesson Plans for homeschool parents who prefer to have done for you daily lesson plans for history, science, language arts, and fine arts. (Plus projects and activities with full instructions and supply lists).
- Easy-to-teach customizable High School courses in General, American, British, and World Literature, American and World History, and English electives.
Unit Study Tools
So you’ve always wanted to put together your own curriculum. But where do you start?
You’d LOVE the more relaxed, Charlotte Mason-type pace. But how do you put it together yourself? And how would you find the time?!
We get it.
We designed our Unit Study Tools for homeschool moms just like you.
Like a salad bar, you can choose from our curated booklists in history, science, and fine arts (organized by time period and topic), our assignment and project ideas, and our Teacher’s Overviews to put together the curriculum you’ve always wanted.
We provide the TOOLS to teach how YOU want to teach, instead of telling you exactly what to do and say.
Using our Unit Study Tools you can:
- Teach with excellent books instead of tired textbooks
- Teach your multi-age children the same history period at the same time, but each at his or her own level.
- Have the freedom to follow rabbit trails as you come to them
And our Unit Study Tools are unstructured and flexible. They can be used alone to teach history, science, language arts, and fine arts. Or, you may use them with the curriculum you already have on your shelf.
And best of all? Like all of our curriculum, our Unit Study Tools are biblically sound.
To use our Unit Study Tools, simply:
- Read our Teacher’s Manual. It’ll tell you what you need to know about teaching history, science, language arts, and fine arts. (Including lots of graphic organizers, planning forms, language arts checklists, and notebooking pages.)
- Pull out your Unit Study Tools and read our Teacher’s Overviews of each time period.
- Decide what you want to cover.
- View our pre-read, top-quality book suggestions divided by time period and topic.
- Choose what books you want to read. Then reserve them from the library, interlibrary loan, or order them from (affiliate link)*.
- Select the assignments and activities you want to do from the many ideas we provide in each unit.
- Journal which books you read together and individually and what assignments you completed!
- Alternatively, you may plan your units in advance with our planning forms and instructions, customizing them to your heart’s content!
*This is an affiliate link. If you use it to buy something, we may get a few cents per item at no extra cost to you. A thousand thanks for supporting us in this way!
Our Unit Study Tools are available as an immediate digital download.
Daily Lesson Plans
You crave the structure and reassurance of knowing you are covering enough and breathe a sigh of relief with an open-and-go curriculum.
With our Daily Lesson Plans, you can take a deep breath and relax, knowing each week’s learning objectives for history, science, language arts, and fine arts is done for you.
Reading assignments, discussion questions, and narration prompts are all there waiting for you, along with copywork, spelling, and vocabulary. And writing and grammar lessons.
Also included are science experiments and history projects with complete directions and weekly supply lists. All at your fingertips.
All of the curriculum you need to teach history, science, language arts, and fine arts for one year for each grade level. In one book!
Rest easy knowing you are teaching enough. And tweak what you want — move assignments around, add or delete if you want — but you have everything you need at hand. All you have to add is the library books!
Our Daily Lesson Plans are delivered to you ready to go, in print or in an immediate digital download.
High School Courses
Our high school courses provide the literature and history that your student needs for college and beyond.
Teaching high school can be intimidating when you start. But I survived, and my kids thrived. (They had no trouble getting into a wonderful college and even completed graduate school.)
You can do this.
And we can make it much easier!
All of our customizable high school courses are written to your student. But they also include:
- Teaching tips and evaluation keys for all assignments
- Rubrics for creative assignments like making a graphic timeline, researching, and putting on a Renaissance Feast or a a mock Olympics.
- Answers to short-answer questions and ideas and all other assignments.
Our literature-based curricula will help your high school student crank out well-written essays by the score. But we also give you many other assignment choices so your student isn’t just writing. Our assignment choices include anything from:
- Illustrating a scene in a novel
- Researching, planning, writing, and executing a play about a historical event, such as the Boston Tea Party
- Building a model of the Tabernacle
With our high school courses, you choose the assignments that best fit your student.
All our assignment choices are geared to immerse and engage your students with the cultures and time periods they’re reading about.
And in a way that makes school not only fun, but effective!
Our High School Courses are delivered to you ready to go, in print or as an immediate digital download.