Family Mission Statement: Establish Your Mission and Stay the Course!

 family mission statement

Do your kids know why you homeschool?

At some point, every family who homeschools makes a methodical decision to pursue this route. Homeschooling is not something one switches to overnight or on a whim. For each one of us, we have a reason or purpose for taking this path. Putting these reasons or purposes on paper in a Family Mission Statement can help get (and keep) everyone on the same page.

Not only discussing these reasons as a family, but taking the time to create a family mission statement can be a unifying and enlightening as everyone brings their thoughts to the discussion.

And when things get hard, as they sometimes do, a family mission statement reminds everyone why they are doing what they are doing.

 What are your reasons?

Your reason for homeschooling might be because your children were falling behind or zooming ahead of their public school peers. You decided it made sense to teach your children at their own level, rather than having them taught where the “statistical average student” is performing.

Or maybe you are on this homeschooling journey because of your child’s health. Perhaps there are restrictions preventing him or her from successfully attending public school.

Or maybe you don’t believe in the method, schedule, or approach that the school systems offer….

You are on this homeschool journey because you want so much more than what the public schools can offer. You want your children to learn about the world from a Biblical perspective. So you intertwine God’s Word through every lesson you teach.

You’re preparing your children for more than just college, you are preparing them for life everlasting. You’re mentoring and discipling your children in the Truth of God’s Word. You are equipping them with God’s suit of armor that will lead them to a bold, effective life in Christ.

Each one of us has chosen homeschooling for one or many reasons. We’ve stepped up and said, I can and will do school differently.

Your “reason” for homeschooling is essentially your mission.

 Creating a Family Mission Statement

Creating a mission statement gives you purpose, meaning, and a goal. Stephen Covey states:

“A family mission statement is a combined, unified expression from all family members of what your family is all about — what it is you really want to do and be — and the principles you choose to govern your family life.”

Success does not just happen, it requires intentionality. So, how do we go about this whole mission statement? Simple steps:

    • Gather the family. All family members need to be present, no matter what age. All family members need to provide input. Take notes. Listen to each member with sincerity and openness.


    • Lead your family in brainstorming your family’s core values. This will be different for each family. Examples could relate to God, Faith, Service, Discipline, Education, Adventure, Creativity, Integrity, Health, etc.


    • Discuss who you want your family to be and what your homeschooling will be about. Parents, share your vision of homeschooling with your children. Communicate the purpose of your homeschooling, the roles you each have, the traditions you aspire to create, what kind of service projects you will be involved in or how you will give back.


    • As a family, write out your mission statement. Make sure everyone takes part in this. The family should agree and understand all aspects of your mission statement.


    • Display your mission statement. This is the time to display your family’s individuality! You can choose to print this and hang it in a centralized location of your home. You may have each child take part in writing and/or drawing pictures. Enjoy making this something your family will take pride in and remember.



 Let your family mission statement help you stay the course

Last, but not least, refer to your mission statement on a regular basis. You may have to make changes down the road as your family matures or enters a new phase of life, but having a written mission statement will help your family to live with purpose and intention!

It will also give you a written standard to fall back on when things become difficult, and help everyone “realign themselves” to what you as a family have agreed upon.

Have you taken the time to create a family mission statement? How has it helped you homeschool?


Related post: How do YOU measure homeschool success?



  1. What a tremendous idea! I like to be careful about too many rules and legalism, but this could really help families stay focused without getting distracted by a rule for every situation.

    1. Thanks, Beth! I agree about the legalism. Often when the bigger issues are pinned down, there’s not as much need for a “rule” for every situation. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts!

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