The Art of Public Speaking 



A famous public speaker once said,

We are masters of the unsaid words, but slaves to those we let slip out.

       -Winston Churchill

Research says (and you probably agree!) that speaking in front of others is our number one fear. Learning to overcome the fear of public speaking will not only help your student be more successful in college, but also in the workplace and for the rest of his life.

Public Speaking

But how do I teach public speaking at home?

Teach your high school students public speaking with our high school course for homeschool.  And then look for ways for your high school student to practice, practice, practice! Speaking in front of others comfortably will give your high school students confidence and help them to stand out, whether in college interviews or future job searches. Help your homeschool students gain confidence by teaching them public speaking.

Although you can easily teach this course to one student, you can make it more fun by grabbing a group of students. (If you’re interested in that, check with us about special group rates!)

link to the Art of Public Speaking Christian high school course


This one-semester course covers four major types of speeches in a step-by-step approach:

  • Impromptu • Expository • Persuasive • Apologetic

Focusing on examples of some of the most influential speakers in history, including Abraham Lincoln, C.S. Lewis, A.W. Tozer, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and Martin Luther King, this course will lead your high schooler through the preparation and steps of giving a speech.

With our course, The Art of Public Speaking:

  • Your high school student will learn to organize his thoughts with our tools, such as speech maps and note cards.
  • Our tools can help your high schooler to overcome and even prevent nervous habits that plague novice public speakers.
  • Your new public speaker will learn exactly how to smoothly use visual aids.
  • You and your student will have all of the help you need with our topic ideas, online resources, evaluation forms, and rubrics.
  • You can pump up your student’s high school transcript with our optional honors track.
  • Your high school student interested in debate will have an excellent preparatory course

The Art of Public Speaking is 60+ pages and available in two formats: already printed in black and white and coil bound. or in a digital download that you may print yourself.

link to the Art of Public Speaking Christian high school course

Additional information

Weight .77 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 11 × .5 in

Hard Copy, Digital Download


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