American Literature: a Study of American Writers



American Literature: a Study in American Writers

Using whole books instead of textbooks,  in our American Literature course your student will discover works of excellent American authors and poets such as Booker T. Washington (pictured on our cover), Ernest Hemingway, Harper Lee, Anne Bradstreet, Arthur Miller, and James Fenimore Cooper. 

In this full-year course, your high school student will study a play, several novels, a novella, and poetry. (An optional honors track requires additional reading.)

Students will learn about how to read plays, poetry, and the unique characteristics of short stories. Additionally, in this American Literature course, your high schoolers will learn about literary devices such as setting, point of view, characterization, figurative writing, symbolism, and dialect.

Even more importantly, your high school student will learn how to examine American literature in light of the Biblical themes of redemption, persecution, temptation, self-preservation, and legalism.

And not only will your high school students discover excellent American writers in our American LIterature course.  They’ll also be able to connect foundational American literature to important historical events in American History. (For the best retention possible, have your student study both of these courses at the same time!)

Our American Literature course uses the essay writing skills taught in our Essay Styles for High School course. In fact, we recommend Essay Styles as a prerequisite to all of our literature and history courses.  (Although your student may also take Essay Styles at the same time as any of our literature or history courses.)

American Literature Review

Our book selections will keep your student’s attention. Our teaching methods will help your students learn. 

American Literature: a Study of American Writers helps:

  • Encourage independent learning, with short book summaries, clear objectives, and step-by-step instructions–all written to your student
  • Provide a customized learning experience for your high school student, with a variety of assignment choices using different learning styles available to choose from
  • You boost your high schooler’s transcript if you take advantage of the optional honors track
  • Make it easier for you to grade with our detailed evaluation directions, rubrics, and grading tips
  • Your visual or structural student learn with our graphic organizers, including plot-mapping and characterization tools
  • Build your college-bound student’s vocabulary with our vocabulary lists and activity ideas (think SAT and ACT readiness!)
  • Your high school student understand  literary devices at the high school level including basic literary analysis, to help ready your student for ongoing high school and later, college-level literature study
  • Save you money with the Student Book and Teacher’s Guide in one volume

link to sample for our high school American Literature course

American Literature: a Study of American Writers is 85 pages. It’s available in two formats:  printed in black and white and coil bound or as an immediate download you may print yourself.

You can give your high school students a Charlotte Mason-inspired education using our American Literature High School Course from Train up a Child Publishing.

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 11 × .5 in

Hard copy, Digital Download


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