High School to College: How Will Your Homeschooler Adjust?

Homeschooling high school for the first time can be terrifying. Every homeschooling parent I have talked to about this admits to at least one sweat-producing, heart-beating episode of panic: Can I do this? If I homeschool high school, will my student be able to get into college?  How will my homeschooled student adjust to college?

Even as their high schoolers pursue college dreams, parents often speculate whether their students can adjust to college’s rigors and social climate after being at home for high school.

This next few weeks will find many of us squeezing a mountain of clothing, bedding, and school supplies into the car, making the trek to college, and saying a tearful goodbye to our college freshmen.

Just how successful are homeschooled high school students in adjusting to college?

You’ll want to keep reading to see what the research says about how homeschooled students tend to adjust to college!

What does the Research Say?

Although there have not been many studies in this area, there have been a few with some exciting results.  Among them is “Transitional Experiences of First-year College Students Who Were Homeschooled,” by Mary Beth Bolle, Roger D. Wessel, and Thalia M. Mulvihill, published by the Journal of College Student Development (Vol. 48, No. 6, Nov.-Dec. 2007*). This study examines the adjustment of first-year college students who entered college directly after finishing high school at home. Beginning by citing previous related findings:

  • According to the National Center for Educational Statistics (1999), the number of homeschooled students has nearly tripled since 1991
  • Homeschooled students outranked public school students on standardized tests by 15-30 points and “perform well in college and leadership activities and tend to be independent and critical thinkers who are gainfully employed.” (Ray, 2003)
  • Other benefits of homeschooling include “better relationships with siblings and parents, more opportunities for interaction with people of different ages that lead to developing friendships with various ages and genders, and a better relationship with adults.” (Cox, 2003)
  • A favorable quote from Brown University’s Dean, Joyce Reed, who stated:  “These kids are the epitome of Brown students.  They’ve learned to be self-directed, take risks, face challenges with total fervor, and they don’t back off.”  (Sutton, 2002)

In spite of the above accolades, the study also cites some common concerns about homeschoolers entering college, such as the all too familiar “What about socialization?”  And an added apprehension: “Do homeschoolers have a broad enough view of the real world [to successfully deal with] the exposure of different people and views?” These are very pertinent questions you may have asked yourself as you have considered whether or not to homeschool high school.

The Bolle, Wessel, and Mulvihill study discussed the various transitional stages of a group of homeschooled students as they:

  • left home
  • adjusted to living with greater independence
  • met others with differing values, backgrounds, and worldviews
  • compensated for more traditional teaching styles and academics
  • had to comprehend new behavioral norms
  • formed new relationships
  • eventually acquired a sense of ownership and belonging to their new college community


Interestingly, these are a few of their findings:

1.  Although all of the students in this study experienced loneliness upon arrival at college, they could “step outside their comfort zones and meet new friends.”  In this particular sample of students in a diverse student body, homeschooled students could meet other like-minded students and come in contact with others who were very different.

2.  Although they all eventually made like-minded friends, it took some longer than others.  Those who maintained “close ties with their community and home and [called] home frequently” made friends quickly. (Bolle, Wessel and Mulvihill, 2007)

3.  All of the students had to adjust to different teaching styles and academic expectations.  Some students found college classes easier, and some found them more difficult. Those who initially had difficulty were able to develop the tools and methods they needed and became accustomed to their professor’s expectations and, ultimately, to modify their academic activities to meet the requirements.

4. Resources on campus, such as student orientation, Resident Assistants, campus programming, and student organizations, were beneficial in successfully transitioning homeschooled students into college life.

5. Bottom line: There was little difference between what homeschooled and publicly/privately schooled students experienced in terms of their transition to college.

The Longer They Homeschooled, the Better the Adjustment

Additional favorable reports came from another fascinating study on this topic, “An Exploratory Study of the Transition and Adjustment of Former Homeschooled Students to College Life” (Lattibeaudiere, 2000).  This study examined how well homeschooled students transitioned into college life by the time they were sophomores and juniors.  This body of research found that homeschooled students “had a positive and successful experience transitioning from high school to college. 

In fact, the longer that students were homeschooled, the better they adapted to college life. 

(Emphasis mine!)

The study speculated as to why homeschooling longevity was helpful.  Factors that were considered as benefits to college adaptation included “students having  individually tailored instruction, the ability to learn at their own pace, options to study subjects of interest, opportunity to be taught in a loving educational environment, and availability of hands-on opportunities that developed curiosity and love of learning.”  (Quoted in Bolle, Wessel, and Mulvihill, 2007.)

We have always known that these are benefits of homeschooling, but isn’t it gratifying and reassuring to have them substantiated by scientific study?

Incidentally, other findings of the Lattibeaudiere study included:

  • Rather than living off campus, students who lived on campus were better adjusted.
  • Educators felt that homeschooled students took a little longer than traditionally educated students to adjust socially to college. (That is not necessarily a bad thing…)
  • Homeschoolers “exhibited great skill in relating to individuals of all ages” (quoted by Bolle, Wessel and Mulvihill, 2007).

Moreover, a dissertation by Holder (2001) stated that homeschoolers were academically and socially adept in college.

Additionally, homeschooling students reported that they felt “homeschooling helped them develop the ability to learn on their own, [have] good study habits, [learn] self-motivation and how to be responsible, [have] flexibility in learning at their own pace and [be] self-disciplined.”

Despite all of these positive results, it was noted that there were some problematic areas, specifically: “the extensive writing and research required, meeting assignment deadlines…and getting accustomed to class schedules.” Although these were challenging to many former homeschool students, it was found they ultimately assimilated well.

Ultimately, it was thought that such students’ participation in volunteer work, activities outside of the academic arena, and part-time jobs aided their transition to college.


Although these studies are few in number, their conclusions have paralleled what many of us have experienced in our own families.

I hope this research will put you at ease, whether you are about to launch your oldest into college, as you are considering homeschooling high school, or you are currently doing so.

Of course, continue to pray for your children.  Also, mentor and train them as you have always done, teaching them right from wrong, shepherding their hearts, and preparing them for God-honoring lives; this will serve them well.

And whether you prayerfully decide to keep them home for high school or not, please don’t make the decision out of fear that they won’t be able to adjust to college. Past posts that might be helpful on related subjects are The Big Decision and Do Not Fear.

*Click here to read the Bolle, Wessel, and Mulvihill study in its entirety and see complete references for all studies mentioned in this post.


With Hope in Him,

dana signature in will my homeschool student adjust to college


  1. The topic covers really great points about home schooling.
    This would definitely be a big decision, since your children’s future will be affected by that.

    1. Thank you, Azadeh. Homeschooling high school is a huge decision, but the research so far has been clear that homeschooled students adjust well to college. I hope that’s an encouragment to you! Thank you for sharing.

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