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Order Books for American History I: Ancients through the Renaissance & Reformation

Here are our convenient book links to the book editions used in our literature-based American History I course for homeschooled high school students. We appreciate you using our book links; we receive a few cents on most of the books you order (helping us write more curriculum and serve you better), with no extra cost to you.

If your student happens to be taking this course with a class, we recommend checking with the instructor to make sure this edition is the right one for the class.

Remember when ordering through Amazon that if you buy qualified books (new and even some used books qualify!) and your order totals $35 or more, you do not pay shipping.   If you have an Amazon Prime Membership you don’t pay shipping and you usually receive your order within two days. Again, we appreciate your using our links to buy your books! Thank you!

Additional reading selections in the curriculum are not included here because they are readily available online for free.

Note: Unfortunately, these book links can sometimes be a little unreliable when viewed on a cell phone. If you’re having difficulty seeing the links, try another device. A laptop or desktop probably works best. Refreshing the page helps, too.

American History I

(the Early Colonies through the Civil War)


Our American History II course is currently under development. Yay! These are the books we are working with thus far, but there could be some additions or deletions before we are finished, so this list is not set in stone.

Join our mailing list at the bottom right of this page to stay up to date on the availability of American History II!

Joining our mailing list also allows you in on special sales (with occasional give-aways), provides lots of engaging tried-and-true lesson plan ideas, encourages you and answers your homeschooling questions.  I would consider it an honor to walk beside you on your homeschooling journey. (And there are a couple of free e-books in it for you.) 🙂

American History II

(Immigration through Modern)