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Order Books for your Fourth Grade Daily Lesson Plans
While you are ordering your curriculum, you can go ahead and order books for your fourth grade daily lesson plans using our convenient Amazon book links.
Not all books are used every week; check the book list in the Fourth Grade Daily Lesson plans to see which/how many weeks books are used in the unit. If you need to prioritize, first choose the books that are used multiple weeks. You may choose to substitute a book you already have for those used only one or two weeks.
Note that a few books are used more than unit, or even more than one year. Consider buying these books, especially if you have a large family and will be using them over and over. It is MUCH easier to have books at your fingertips instead of having to make multiple library trips (and pay library fines for overdue/lost books). Ask me how I know this.
Remember when ordering through Amazon that if you buy qualified books (new and even some used books qualify!) and your order totals $35 or more, you do not pay shipping. If you have an Amazon Prime Membership you don’t pay shipping and you usually receive your order within two days. We appreciate your using our links to buy your books! (We make a few cents on the books you buy.) Thank you!
If you’d like to spread out your book purchases, note that the book links below are divided into three, three-unit sections. Each section represents about 1/3 of the school year.