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Order Books for your Third Grade Daily Lesson Plans

While you are ordering your curriculum, you can order books for your third grade daily lesson plans using our convenient Amazon book links.

Do you have to order all of the books below to use our Third Grade Daily Lesson Plans? No, you don’t! Read this post for tips about buying books. 

To figure out which books you need to order for your 1st grade plans, first check your plans.  You’ll find the complete book list near the front of the plans. The book list will show you which books you’ll need. Also, which week (and how many weeks) each book is used. 

At the time week we created our plans, these books were available in our public library system. Many of them are probably in your library system, too. Others will be available through the inter-library loan program.

Although, if it fits in your budget it might be easier for you to buy the books that are used several weeks, for more than one unit, or for more than one year.

Especially if you are  have a larger family and will be using them over and over, consider buying the books that are used a lot. It is MUCH easier to have books at your fingertips instead of making multiple library trips.

if you decide to use our links to order your books, remember that if you buy qualified books and your order totals $35 or more you do not pay shipping costs.

Even better, if you have an Amazon Prime Membership, you don’t pay shipping costs at all and you usually receive your order within two days.  

I really appreciate you using our links to buy your books! (You buy about five books and there’s enough for a cup of coffee.) At no additional cost to you. Thank you!

To make it easier for you to spread out your book order, the books are divided into three, three-unit sections. Each  section is about 1/3 of the school year. 


Ancients through Renaissance & Reformation


Colonization through Westward Expansion


Civil War through Modern