Order Books for our Curriculum Here
At Train up a Child Publishing, we value books! In fact, our curriculum was designed to be affordable enough that you have money left over to build a home library over time, filled with living books — books written by authors who are passionate about their subjects. We’ve made it easy for you to order your books from our Amazon links on our book page links below. And we appreciate you ordering books for our curriculum here!
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If you have a large family, you’ll find it especially convenient to have books readily available instead of needing to run back and forth to the library. And you’ll avoid all of those overdue library book fees!
Whether you have a large library or not, we provide Amazon links on our website so you may order your books at the same site as your curriculum. We have found Amazon.com to consistently have one of the best selections of new and used books while also offering prompt, reliable service AND free shipping with a qualified $35 order! Additionally, if you have an Amazon Prime Membership, you have free shipping and usually get your books within two days.
![Order Your Books](https://trainupachildpub.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/kid-books.jpg)
This is super helpful if you’re a procrasti-planner!
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Click on the titles below to see the books for each curriculum listed. You may order your books for our curriculum from these pages
Order Books for our Daily Lesson Plan Curriculum
First Grade Daily Lesson Plans
Second Grade Daily Lesson Plans
Third Grade Daily Lesson Plans
Resource Books
Language Arts Resources – We have found these books particularly helpful in teaching language arts.
Recommended High School and Adult Reading
Also, peruse our blog book reviews for other recommended titles. (Search under “books.”)