Meet Dana
If we were chatting over almond milk lattes about homeschooling, I’d confess that I started homeschooling after my daughter begged me to after her 2nd grade year.
After praying about it and doing a little research, I jumped in with both feet.
At first, homeschooling was hard. Like everyone else on the planet who begins homeschooling, I had no idea how to do it.
- I FELT like a ping-pong ball, bouncing back and forth between my kids’ schoolwork, piles of laundry, books and supplies, cleaning, and working part-time.
- I DREAMED I could home-educate my kids. But we were quickly bored with the dry textbook curriculum we started with.
- I was FRUSTRATED because my house constantly looked like ten toddlers lived there. I couldn’t get it all done.
But you know what? I figured it out and got a little better at it with every year. (And you can, too!)
What started out to be hard and relentless ended up being joyous and fun!
(Not always fun. But looking back, the benefits have far outweighed the difficulties!)
During the years from the first one through the end of high school, I learned:
- Christian homeschooling was an extension of Christian parenting.
- The importance of learning and practicing good habits and teaching them to my children.
- How to prioritize activities—I couldn’t get everything done, but I could get the things that mattered most done.
- Teaching using real books instead of textbooks, using a Charlotte Mason-inspired methodology, grabbed the kids’ attention and made homeschooling more engaging and effective.
- Additional science-research-based teaching tips that helped my kids retain more of what they were learning.

Not finding exactly the curriculum we were looking for, we created our own. And Train up a Child Publishing (formerly Epi Kardia Home Education) was born.
So how did our homeschooling turn out, you ask? By God’s grace, our children were accepted/recruited into a hard-to-get-into SC college (Go, Tigers!). Then, they went to graduate school and finished with doctoral degrees in the medical field.
But what’s more important is that they are following hard after Jesus, and we are still a close family!
Thanks for visiting! If you’d like to learn more about homeschooling, please join my online community using the form below.
Blessings to you and yours,

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old, he will not depart from it.” – Proverbs 22:6
I know you, because I’ve been you.
Especially if you’re a newer or struggling homeschool mama, I want you to imagine for a moment . . .
- Finishing your daily family read-aloud snuggled with your kids on the sofa with them begging for more . . .
- Smoothly flowing days where your kids get their work done without you constantly riding them . . .
- Being at peace, with everyone contributing to the household, knowing you’re doing everything you need to do and nothing you don’t . . .
With support and the right curriculum, I believe you can bring your children’s home education to life and have a happy, thriving home.
Join My Online Community

60 Assignment Ideas (K-HS) Using Real Books
How to bring life to your kids’ education by teaching history, science, and language arts using excellent literature instead of dry textbooks!
Ways to Connect with Dana
Here’s Where I Hang On Social Media. Come Say Hi!
Do you have any questions or comments? Love to hear ’em. Use the link below, and I’ll get back to you. Looking forward to connecting!